POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : lighting help : Re: lighting help Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:24:14 EST (-0500)
  Re: lighting help  
From: Ken
Date: 9 Mar 2000 06:40:51
Message: <38C78E57.903522E1@pacbell.net>
Mark wrote:
> Hi,
> Very new Moray/POV-Ray user here with a large headache from trying to figure
> out the correct lighting setup for some computer game graphics (spaceships).
> I am a artistic imbecile to begin with so I talked to some professional game
> designers and they were talking about the 3 light method for lighting a
> scene.  Involves different light types, angle/placements and ambiance
> (warmth/coolness) of the light source.  Hence, the very large headache I
> have<g>.
> I am throwing myself on the mercy of this newsgroup in the hopes that
> someone can point me to a tutorial on lighting.  Something for the beginner
> if possible but can tackle anything if it is good.
> Thanks,
> Mark

Since I am not familiar with the famous 3 light method about the best I can
do for you is to point you to the links page at povray.org where several
sites are listed offering tutorials. Which of those have lighting tutorials
will have to be investigated by you. Quite a while ago I wrote a small FAQ
on the tutorials available for POV-Ray and posted it in the announcements
group on this server (it's a bit out of date but most of them should still
be available). It will give you a better idea of what the various tutorials
concentrate on in particular.


One other site I can recommend that may help you out is a 3D tutorials
links page that deals with many different programs besides just POV-Ray.
You may be able to find some gaming tutorial links from there that will
better explain this three light scenario you mentioned.


 I suspect the three light method is where you use one point light near
the location of the camera. This one will ensure that the objects that
face the camera will always be visible.
 A second light is placed to give you accurate shadows in your scene.
The placement of this one will of course depend on what mood you need
to obtain. Again this would probably be a point light but may also be
an area light type.
 The third is the one I am not sure where it would be located or what
type. I would hazard a guess that it would be an overhead area light
to help fill in the lighting for the rest of the scene and to help
soften the shadows a bit.
 I have also heard that using different colors for your lights and
where they are located is an important consideration. Even though
for the most part you want to control the color of your scene on
an object by object basis I seem to recall the use of a camera
positioned blue colored light source has some merit for more than
artistic reasons. I forget why this is (it might be a hold over
from the movie industry).

 To be honest with you I usualy shoot for what looks best for a
particular scene and probably break all of the rules as I do it.

Ken Tyler -  1300+ Povray, Graphics, 3D Rendering, and Raytracing Links:
http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html http://www.povray.org/links/

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